Local Telecomm Companies Bring Mountain Ranch Community Back Online

Mountain Ranch, CA…Local telecomm companies REM Net Communications (REM) and CCT Telecomm (CCT) have deployed free Wi-Fi access and phones to the local Mountain Ranch community devastated by the Butte Fire. In addition to the homes and outbuildings destroyed, the Butte Fire wiped out all phone, Internet, and power to the small community. ‘I went out to check a tower site Friday morning, I came back and my home was gone,’ said Ron Mobley, lifelong Mountain Ranch resident and owner of REM. ‘Seeing the loss my community is suffering, it feels good to be able to provide something useful.’


Last weekend, as the Butte Fire was spreading, local wireless Internet provider REM and Lodi based telecommunications provider, CCT, devised a plan to restore Emergency Voice and Internet access to central Mountain Ranch. CCT Telecomm delivered on-hand wireless inventory, generators, and batteries to REM to reestablish Internet in Mountain Ranch.

Wednesday night, REM completed the rebuild of several burned over sites. By Thursday, CCT had deployed Voice Over IP technology, delivered through REM Net, to restore phone service to Sender’s Market. Sender’s Market is a community center and general store, integral to Mountain Ranch residents’ way of life. CCT also established a complimentary communications hub across from Sender’s Market, enabling residents to place and receive telephone calls for the first time in a week.

‘Getting phone and Internet to displaced residents is the least we can do,’ said Bill Koch of CCT Telecomm. ‘Establishing a connection, whether to family, friends, or work, can bring some relief and normalcy.’

REM Net Communications provides competitively priced, residential Internet and telephone
services to Calaveras County residents. For more information, email ron_mobley@yahoo.com.
CCT Telecomm, based in Lodi, CA, provides business data, telephone and Internet solutions
across Northern California. For more information, visit www.4cct.com or email sales@4cct.com.