An Update On Filing Fire Damage Claims From State Farm

San Andreas, CA…As the devastating Northern California wildfires continue to burn – the Valley and Butte Fires have destroyed thousands of acres and hundreds of homes- at State Farm we would like to remind customers the steps they can follow to seek assistance.


What to Expect from the Claims Process

  • Customers who have suffered damage should contact their local State Farm agent, call 1-800-SF-Claim, or log onto to report it.


Additional Living Expense (ALE)

  • ALE is the portion of a homeowners or tenant insurance policy that protects you in the event that a covered loss causes the residence premises to become uninhabitable.
  • Provides coverage for the necessary increase in cost you incur to maintain your standard of living for up to 24 months
  • The homeowners or tenant policy deductible applies to this coverage.
  • Save receipts of your additional living expenses for your claim representative.
  • Coverage subject to all the terms and conditions of the insurance policy contract.


Hiring a Reputable Contractor

  • Contact your local home builders association or remodelers council for a directory of reputable contractors.
  • Make sure the contractors are currently licensed, registered and insured.
  • Get at least three different estimates.
  • Insist on a written contract that includes: contractor’s contact information, project timeline, payment schedule and permit requirements.
  • Signs of Poor Business Practices or Possible Scam Involving a Contractor:

-Pushy door-to-door sales tactics or unsolicited calls are common after a disaster.

-Promising discounts for using leftover materials or for referring other customers.

-Insisting on a large deposit or cash payments in full.

-Asking you to secure building permits.

-Unwillingness to provide local contact information