CAL FIRE Statewide Fire Update

Sacramento, CA…State, federal, local, and military resources are on the front lines aggressively battling the dynamic wildfires across California. As they continue their efforts, you can do your part to plan, prepare, and stay aware. Learn more at Please watch the video below for a statewide update for August 21, 2020 on the fire activity across California and visit for information on how you and your family can be #WildfireReady.


Source = CAL FIRE

One Response to "CAL FIRE Statewide Fire Update"

  1. Arne dodd   August 22, 2020 12:49 am - at 12:49 am

    What you wrote is kinda right except he had shot me twice once in each leg he fired five rounds at me while I was sitting on a four wheeler less than ten feet away the first shot he fired hit me in my left leg and then drove away I tried to leave but was disabled we both had to make turns to go home he made a u turn I was able to only go maybe 25 yards before my quad gave up I sat there had no where too go to avoid him he pulled up along side me rolled down the passenger window immediately said he was going to kill me pointed his gun at me and pulled the trigger and shot me in my other leg then two more rounds in to my quad and then drove off that’s it I probably shouldn’t be writing this but you left out a good part of what happened at least from my point of veiw