Vallecito Union School District Measure I Info.

Vallecito, CA… As we approach election day, I would like to share some facts regarding Measure I with our school community. The funds generated by the passage of Measure I are very important in completing the much-needed facilities renovation that we have undertaken with Measure E funds. Although Measure I is a small Bond the funds it will generate are incredibly important to both our instructional program and the ongoing maintenance of our school facilities. Funds from Measure I will provide renovation of our Avery Track and Field plus needed paint for all schools and some small improvements to our two elementary schools. In addition, Measure I will help generate additional state matching funds that we can use for ongoing school improvement and maintenance.

Here are some additional facts regarding Measure I:

1. The Avery Track and Field is a heavily used facility that supports the school’s PE and athletic program. In addition, this facility is used daily by the community for recreation and exercise.
2. Measure I will provide benefit to all three district schools and generate additional state matching funds through the state’s facilities program thus bring local tax dollars back to our community.
3. The cost of Measure I is approximately $7.00 per $100,000 of assessed value of your property. Thus, a home assessed at $200,000 would cost each homeowner $14.00 annually on their property tax bill.
4. When we first advertised for Measure E we asked each property owner to commit to no more the $30.00 annually of property tax which is the amount they have been previously paying with bonds that are soon to expire. The actual cost of Measure E , because of unusually low interest rates, came in significantly under the $30.00 annual cost. The addition of Measure I keeps us at the $30.00 promise.

I would again like to thank everyone for their ongoing support of our kids, our teachers and our school district. I feel blessed to live in a place with such a strong sense of community.

Jim Frost
