The December 8th, 2020 CUSD Board Meeting Agenda

San Andreas, CA… The Mission of the Calaveras Unified School District is to partner with its families and communities in order to graduate all students as engaged, responsible and skilled citizens enabling them to achieve personal success.

Any individual who requires disability-related accommodations, including auxiliary aids and services, in
order to participate in the board meeting, should contact the Superintendent in writing. (Gov. code 54953.2, 54954.1)

Members of the Public may request an item be placed on the agenda. The agenda request form is available on the CUSD website,, under Board of Education, Public. Agenda requests must be received at the District Office no later than 9:00 a.m., Monday, one week before the Board meeting. Forms can also be requested by calling (209) 754-2300.

All Board meetings are tape recorded.

Regular Meeting
of the Board of Trustees
December 8, 2020

Due to the COVID-19 Restrictions.

Attendees May Phone In:

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660323# or +16699006833,

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Password: 660323

District Office
(209) 754-2300
Fax: (209) 754-2215

Suzie Coe
Dennis Dunnigan
Christine Noble
Sherri Reusche
Cory Williams

Mark Campbell

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Webinar ID: 895 8524 3996 Password: CUSD

5:30 p.m. Closed Session/ 6:00 p.m. Open Session
Optional Closed Session Following Open Session


The Mission of the Calaveras Unified School District is to partner with its families and communities in order to graduate all students as engaged, responsible and skilled citizens enabling them to achieve personal success.

(Please turn off cell phones prior to the start of the meeting)

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of the Agenda
Approve the December 8, 2020 agenda.
Motion: ___ Second: ___ Vote: ___

4. Announcement of Closed Session Items

a) Negotiation Updates

1. Conference with Labor Negotiator Mark Campbell in regard to negotiations with CUEA (Gov. Code 54957.6)

2. Conference with Labor Negotiator Mark Campbell in regard to negotiations with CSEA (Gov. Code 54957.6)

3. Conference with Legal Counsel Regarding Existing Litigation pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9.

Office of Civil Rights Case No. 09-20-1152

5. Public Comments
At this time, visitors may comment on closed session items appearing on the agenda. Visitors are asked to fill out a Public Comment Card if they plan on addressing the Board. Completed cards are to be turned in to the Executive Assistant, Kimberly Hayes. This is not the time for discussion or deliberation nor can action be taken by the Trustees or Superintendent unless the matter is placed on a subsequent agenda. Individual speakers shall be allowed three minutes to address the Board on each agenda or non-agenda item (BB 9323). The Board shall limit the total time for public input
on each item to 20 minutes. If visitors wish to address issues listed on the agenda, they may do so at the time the item is addressed by the Board. Conduct of Hearing Session/Public Forum will be as follows, per Calaveras Unified School District Board Bylaw #9322.

6. Closed Session

7. Reconvene to Open Session

8. Pledge of Allegiance

9. Roll Call

10. Report of Action taken in Closed Session

11. Superintendent’s Comments

12. Board Organization
a) Approval of 2021 Board Meeting Calendar
Motion by: __________ Second by: ______________
Vote: ________________________________________
Resolution: __ Motion Carries __ Other: __________

13. Presentations

a) First Interim Report and Multi-Year Projections Talibah Al-Rafiq, Chief Business Officer, will give a presentation of the CUSD First Interim Report and Multi-Year Projections.

14. Correspondence – No items presented

15. Public Comments
At this time, visitors may address issues that do not appear on the agenda. Visitors are asked to fill out a Public Comment Card if they plan on addressing the Board. The completed card is to be turned in to the Executive Assistant, Kimberly Hayes. This is not the time for discussion or deliberation nor can action be taken by the Trustees or Superintendent unless the matter is placed on a subsequent agenda. Individual speakers shall be allowed three minutes to address the Board
on each agenda or non-agenda item (BB 9323). The Board shall limit the total time for public input on each item to 20 minutes. If visitors wish to address issues listed on the agenda, they may do so at the time the item is addressed by the Board. Conduct of Hearing Session/Public Forum will be as
follows, per Calaveras Unified School District Board Bylaw #9322.


16. Consent Agenda
Items on the Consent Agenda are considered routine and are approved with a single motion without discussion.

17. Action Items Removed from the Consent Agenda
The Board, staff, or members of the community may ask that items be taken off the consent agenda in order to make comments or ask questions.

No items were removed

Or: Identify requested items to be removed: Item: _____ Item: _____

Vote on Consent Agenda:

Motion: ___ Second: ___ Vote: ___

a) Approval of Minutes

1. Minutes of November 24, 2020

b) Approval of Vendor Warrant Listings
The Vendor Warrant Listings are presented for review. (A copy of this listing is available at the District Office and linked to this agenda on our website at

c) Approval of Donations – No items presented

d) Report of Grant Awards – No items presented

e) Outside Contract Services – No items presented

f) Overnight Events – No items presented


18. Action on Items Removed From the Consent Agenda

Item: M:___ S:___ Vote:______ Item: M: ___ S: ___ Vote:_______

19. Personnel

a) Certificated Report

b) Classified Report

c) Student Report

d) Routine Personnel Report

Motion: ___ Second: ___ Vote: ___

e) All Personnel – No items presented

Personnel – Continued

f) Classified Personnel – No items presented

g) Certificated Personnel – No items presented

h) Management/Confidential/Supervisory – No items presented

20. Curriculum and Instruction – No items presented

21. Educational Services

a) Florida Virtual Learning System Adoption
Amy Hasselwander, Ed Services Director, will present the adoption process that Rene Malamed and the Sierra Hills Education Center staff and parent/community representatives
underwent to evaluate the Florida Virtual Learning System. It is recommended the Board formally adopt this curriculum for their program.

Motion: ___ Second: ___ Vote: ____

b) Introduction to Animal Science Course Syllabus for the 2020-21 School Year
Educational Services Director, Amy Hasselwander, is asking, on behalf of Calaveras High School, for Board approval of the Introduction to Animal Science Course Syllabus for the 2020-21 school year to be articulated with Modesto Junior College. This approval would allow students receiving a C or better in the course to receive MJC credits as well as toward meeting the College and Career Readiness Indicator status of Career Technical Education Pathway Completion, College Credit Course (formerly called Dual Enrollment) and/or A-G Completion as defined by the California School Dashboard.

Motion: ___ Second: ___ Vote: ____

22. Business
a) Approval of the First Interim Report, Criteria and Standards
Board approval is requested for the First Interim Report with a qualified certification as presented. (This First Interim Report is linked to this agenda and posted on our website at

Motion: ___ Second: ___ Vote: ____

Business – Continued

b) Local Control Funding Format (LCFF) Parent Budget Overview
The LCFF gives school districts more flexibility in deciding how to use state funds. In exchange, school districts must work with parents, educators, students, and the community to develop a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) that shows how they will use these funds to serve students.

Motion: ___ Second: ___ Vote: ____

23. Board Business – No items presented

24. Policies and Regulations
These policies are linked to the agenda online at

Policy Update Overviews
October 2020 Guidesheet

Second Reading and Adoption
E 1113 District and School Websites
BP 3280 Sale or Lease of District-Owned Real Property
BP 3530 Risk Management/Insurance
AR 3530 Risk Management/Insurance
BP 4119.11/42/43 Sexual Harassment
AR 4119.11 /42/43 Sexual Harassment
AR 4119.12 /42/43 Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure
E 4119.12/42/43 Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure
BP 4157/42/43 Employee Safety
AR 4157/42/43 Employee Safety
AR 4157.1/42/43 Work Related Injuries
BP 5113.1 Chronic Absence and Truancy
AR 5113.1 Chronic Absence and Truancy
AR 5113.11 Attendance Supervision
BP 5145.7 Sexual Harassment
AR 5145.7 Sexual Harassment
AR 5145.71 Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures
E 5145.71 Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures
BP 6161.1 Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials
AR 6161.1 Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials
E 6161.1 Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials
BB 9323.2 Actions by the Board

Motion: ___ Second: ___ Vote: ____

Policies and Regulations – Continued
Policies Revised for Compliance – First Reading
BP 6163.2 Animals at School
AR 6163.2 Animals at School

25. Calendar of Events





Calaveras Performing Art Center (CPAC) Calendar
• CPAC Current Events Calendar

Community Group Event Calendar
There is a Group Event Calendar. If you are planning a fundraiser or want to know when they are, you can request an event is posted or look up events by emailing the details to (include all details, contact information and any flyer in PDF format).
This group event calendar is located on the CUSD website at

26. Future Agenda Items

27. Board Updates

a) COVID-19 Impacts, Status and Direction
Superintendent Campbell will share information on COVID-19 impacts, status and direction.

28. Celebrations, Recognitions and Announcements

a) Trustee Dennis Dunnigan
The Board of Trustees will give recognition to Trustee Dennis Dunnigan for his service on the CUSD Board from 2016 to 2020.

29. Board Member Comments

30. Next Meeting/Adjournment
The next regular session meeting of the CUSD Board is scheduled for Tuesday, January 12, 2021. As a reminder, this meeting will be remote access only. There will be a Closed Session beginning at 5:30 p.m. Open Session will begin at 6:00 p.m.