Democratic Presidential Debate Viewing Party & Introducing John (Jack) Garamendi, Jr.

Angels Camp, CA…The Calaveras County Democratic Central Committee (CCDCC) will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday October 13 at 5:00 PM – Round Table Pizza, 27 N. Main Street, Angels Camp. All Calaveras residents are invited to attend. The meeting will be addressed by John (Jack) Garamendi, candidate for Calaveras County Supervisor, District Two in 2016. Jack is an experienced leader and a fifth generation Calaveras resident who promises respect for our past and a vision for the future of our County..

With official business complete, we will watch the first Democratic Presidential debate at 6:00 PM. Please join Calaveras Democrats as our party presents a clear alternative to the Republican agenda.

The Central Committee is working hard to revitalize the Democratic Party in Calaveras County and engaging all segments of the population to ensure that their point of view is heard and effectively represented.

Change is coming to Calaveras County.

If you would like to be a part of it, please attend the meeting and visit our website: