Skunk Tested Positive For Rabies Near San Andreas

San Andreas, CA…On February 12, 2021, the County Trapper investigated a complaint of a skunk in a home that had contact with their dog near 10100-10400 Fricot City Road, San Andreas, CA. The Calaveras County Trapper caught and humanely euthanized the skunk on February 12, 2021, and transported it to Animal Services. The skunk was sent to San Joaquin Public Health Laboratory for rabies testing on February 16, 2021. The test came back positive for rabies on February 18, 2021. All animals on site have been recommended to receive rabies boosters. All agencies have been appropriately notified.

If you see a wild animal that you believe is sick or injured please contact the Calaveras County Trapper at 209-754-6504 Ext. 3, or Calaveras Animal Services at 209-754-6509. To protect human health and safety wild animals should not be handled but report their location immediately.

If anyone believes their animal(s) may have come in contact with this skunk please contact our office at 209-754-6509.

Please remember to keep your pets’ rabies vaccination up to date. This is vital for the health and well-being of your pets and family members. If your animals are not currently vaccinated, please contact your veterinarian right away.