Electra Day Use Area Closed While PG&E Removes Hazardous Trees

Electra, CA…Over the next few weeks, PG&E will be removing a number of hazardous trees that were significantly burnt during the Electra Fire that began on July 4. The fire began at the Electra Day Use Area, also known as Vox Beach or Box Beach. The burned trees present a safety hazard to the public.

To mitigate this risk PG&E plans to temporarily close this area to perform hazardous tree removal to help ensure the safety of the public. The temporary closure began on July 27. The reopening of the Day Use Area is unknown but expected to be around August 13, 2022. We know that this is a popular area during the summer months so I was hoping you could help us get the word out to your audience.

During the hazard tree removal project, customers may see rubber-tracked heavy equipment, chippers, chainsaws, pickup trucks and a firewagon. The crew will chip the brush, limbs and smaller trunks and spread the chips onsite. Some of the large trunks will be left onsite to help prevent off-road ATV access but some large trunks will be hauled offsite.

PG&E will send out a notification when the reopening date is confirmed. Thank you for your understanding and support of PG&E’s effort to maintain public safety.