More Happy Buyers from Better Altitude Properties

Arnold, CA…Referrals from long-time clients are always so appreciated. To me, it signifies trust that can only be built over time and is the highest form of compliment. Bill and Marla came to us via Referral and as with all our clients, we started the conversation with their dream list. Their goal was to have a gathering spot where their adult children and grands could have a play space in the mountains.

The first cabin they bid on went to another buyer. They were disappointed, but I reminded them that everything works out and that I knew we would find the perfect cabin for them. A few weeks later this beautiful cabin came on the market, and we were able to put them in contract prior to a busy weekend. Long story short they are in love with their new space. Sometimes finding the perfect cabin can lead you down an unexpected path, Glen, and I are grateful to be part of the journey.

— with Glen Sanchez in Dorrington, California.