President Biden Delivers a Farewell Address to the Nation

7 Responses to "President Biden Delivers a Farewell Address to the Nation"

  1. Anonymous   January 16, 2025 8:31 am - at 8:31 am

    That’s All Folks

  2. Anonymous   January 16, 2025 8:49 am - at 8:49 am

    Now we have to pay for Joies permanent beach time, suppose the secret service guys protecting he and Jill will have to carry all his beach gear, he’s above “real work”!

  3. Anonymous   January 16, 2025 8:50 am - at 8:50 am

    52 yrs sucking off the American taxpayers. TERM LIMITS ARE IN ORDER

  4. Anonymous   January 16, 2025 8:52 am - at 8:52 am

    Who are the 36% that thought Joie was a good president, I’d love to meet them?

  5. Anonymous   January 16, 2025 8:56 am - at 8:56 am

    The American way: Reward incompetence with a higher paying, government job: ex: the mayor of LA, Newscum, Adam Schiff, ( someone needs to teach this weasel some manners) the list goes on and on!

  6. Anonymous   January 16, 2025 3:39 pm - at 3:39 pm

    President Biden, in our Home Sweet Home we all had tears in our eyes when you gave your good byes to the Nation. My husband, our 2 daughters and our son, all of them had tears close to falling. Our family has never been so happy to see the biggest idiot to leave office EVER.
    To top it off, you’ve even tried to sabotage our incoming President-elect. You are the biggest Piece Of Shit to have ever been elected to any position. It just goes to show every everyone the stupidity of the democrat voters. Not only did they election one of the last biggest old man racist from the KKK days, but the democrat voters were so blind and dumb, they couldn’t see you were mentally imparied. They were so manipulated by the media, it’s frightening just how stupid they’ve become.
    Good riddance to the worst President in our history and by far the biggest most corrupt Asshole

  7. Anonymous   January 17, 2025 5:28 am - at 5:28 am

    “biggest most corrupt Asshole”. Trump to a ‘T’. Look at his “administration”. Only thing they have in common is their subservience to the most corrupt person to ever inhabit the WH. And now he’s coming back!! We have to deal with it, but as far as the biggest Asshole to ever inhabit the WH, Trump has that title HANDS DOWN, no close second. Compared to him Nixon is a great guy. Trump is just a big pile of dog shit stuck to the sole of the American boot. Just a fuked up person, no friends, a wife who hates him, the only POTUS in recent history not to have a dog, and that speaks volumes, and a man whose children really, in reality, can’t stand the fuker. A terrible father, a cheating husband multiple times, and a heartless POS. He will kick his dumb supporters under the bus first chance he gets. He will suck up to rich dicks like Musk for his own personal gain, and will take this country down the tubes. Just a matter of time.
    THE ONLY CONVICTED FELON TO INHABIT THE WHITE HOUSE. All because of stupid voters like you^^^the moron above. You deserve what Trump decides to unload on you.