Jonathan Letterman & 1860’s Civil War Medicine

Angels Camp, CA…Join us for a discussion about the fascinating life and achievements of Jonathan Letterman that earned him the title of “The Father of Modern Military Medicine.” Attendees will get to view both reproduction and original Civil War medical instruments and medicines. In addition, we will discuss Letterman’s California connection and the San Francisco Military Hospital that was named after him. This hospital treated tens of thousands of returning soldiers from wars overseas. It promises to be a highly interesting talk that you won’t want to miss.

About Mark and Rae

Mark and Rae Davis are long time Calaveras County residents and have devoted many years together and separately, studying the life and career of Civil War Surgeon, Jonathan Letterman. Rae grew up in Rail Road Flat and is a graduate of Calaveras High School and Sacramento State University where she earned a B.A. in history. Mark was born and raised in San Diego and moved to Calaveras County in 1998. He previously earned a degree in Anthropology from Cal State Fullerton. Currently, they are both working on a documentary about the incredible achievements and legacy of Surgeon Letterman.

Angels Camp Museum Carriage House
753 S. Main Street, Angels Camp, CA
Speakers: Mark & Rae Davis

#civilwar #letterman #medicine #civilwarmedicine

2 Responses to "Jonathan Letterman & 1860’s Civil War Medicine"

  1. Curious   January 29, 2025 5:24 am - at 5:24 am

    When will it be? Or is this just to watch the video that already happened?

  2. Anonymous   January 29, 2025 9:14 am - at 9:14 am

    “Civil War medicine”??? That’s what we are headed for with all of the Trump health and welfare cuts. Don’t cry MAGA seniors, its what you voted for.