Calaveras County Board Of Supervisors Summary Public Notice

San Andreas, CA…The Calaveras County Board of Supervisors introduced an ordinance amending and replacing current Code Chapter 8.06. The purpose and intent of this chapter is to protect the health, safety, and quality of life of the residents of Calaveras County via the prevention and timely eradication of public nuisances. This helps to ensure that all premises are maintained in a manner that protects the public health and safety while complying with all applicable laws.

Chapter 8.06 of the County Code, Public Abatement – Property Maintenance, is being revised and modernized to reflect and comply with current local, state, and case law. This proposed ordinance supersedes and replaces the current 8.06 in order to clarify and improve upon the enforcement activities of the Building Official and Code Compliance Unit. It makes explicit the existing authority of the Building Official and Code Compliance Unit to enforce violations of County and applicable state codes and contains language and processes more easily understood by residents. It also sets up a more streamlined alternative enforcement scheme and appeal schedule for Code violations relating to cannabis cultivation, due to the unique challenges and impacts presented by unlawful cannabis cultivation. It establishes an Office of the County Hearing Officer to hear cannabis cultivation-related appeals, which will more effectively control the adverse impacts associated with unlawful cultivation by allowing swift enforcement action to take place. In total, the revised chapter 8.06 represents a move toward more effective enforcement of the County Code and applicable state codes.

The Board is scheduled to adopt this ordinance at the regularly-scheduled Board of Supervisors meeting on February 28, 2017.