Calaveras County Rotary Clubs Team Up for Santa’s Express

Murphys, CA…The​ 4​ Rotary Clubs of Calaveras County joined together​ this weekend​ to deliver Christmas Dinners to​ ​​those in need who live in Calaveras County. The​se​ Rotary ​Clubs ​raise​d​​ over​ $6,000 to assist the Resource Connection in their​ ​ ​”​Santa’s Express​”​ Christmas Dinner event​, with the Rotary Clubs​ driving and delivering food all throughout Calaveras County for more than 200 families.

​The Rotary Clubs want to say ‘ thank you’ to the students from Sierra Academy’s Right of Passage​, who ​ are invaluable ​every year ​in packing the over 30 cars and trucks needed to get ​the food out to our county residents.​
Also a ‘thank you’ to Sierra Hills Market for helping us with extra food .