Environmental Health Investigation: Mule Creek State Prison Water Drainage System

Jackson, CA – On January 22, 2018, the Amador County Public Health and Environmental Health departments were notified that earlier this month Central Valley Water Quality Control Board personnel determined via sampling and laboratory analysis that water discharged from a storm water drainage system at Mule Creek State Prison (the Prison) was not solely stormwater or irrigation tailwater but that it was gray water, sewage, or a mixture.

The Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Water Board) has ordered that the Prison must cease discharge of this wastewater immediately. Regional Water Board directed that all water from this drainpipe must be contained and properly disposed of at the prison’s wastewater treatment facility or by hauling to another approved treatment facility; no water from this pipeline may be discharged to land or surface water without a permit.

Although access to the affected waterway is very limited, the Amador County Environmental Health department is investigating the site including potential impacts to area groundwater. Anyone with information or questions related to water drainage at Mule Creek State Prison should contact Amador County Environmental Health by calling 209-223-6439.

One Response to "Environmental Health Investigation: Mule Creek State Prison Water Drainage System"

  1. Steven R Smith   January 24, 2018 5:53 pm - at 5:53 pm

    I guess that’s CDCR’s problem huh?