Calaveras Drum Circle & Angels Camp Library Friends Join Forces for Local Youth Reading Club

Angels Camp, CA…Calaveras Drum Circle & Angels Camp Library Friends Join Forces for Local Youth Reading Club
Celebrating the launch of the Angels Camp library Summer Reading Program, the Calaveras Drum Circle and volunteers with the Angels Camp Friends of the Library will “Read to the Rhythm” on Sunday, June 28th at Utica Park starting at 4 pm. Each summer, the local library in Angels Camp (at 426 N Main St) signs up youngsters from pre-school through 8th grade to read as many books as they can over the 8-week summer holiday. As of last week, more than 25 local children had signed up at the local library.


“Read to the Rhythm” is the 2015 theme for the nationwide Program. “It made sense to find a great rhythm group like our local Calaveras Drum Circle to remind children and their parents that the Summer Reading Program is a safe, healthy and helpful kids’ activity,” said Diane Jarvi, Chair of the Angels Camp Friends of the Library.
“We’re happy to lend our support to the local library,” said Bradford McDonald. “Music and stories have always gone great together.” McDonald

is the coordinator of the Calaveras Drum Circle which meets every Sunday at Utica Park at 4:30 pm.
Branch Library Attendant, Patty Smalling, reported that for every five books completed, the youngster is eligible to choose a prize and their name will be highlighted in the library window display. At the conclusion of the Summer Reading Program in mid-August, the Angels Camp Friends of the Library host a party for all of the participants and awards are given to the top readers.
Summer Reading Program sign-ups will be taken at the Drum Circle gathering on Sunday or may be made at the Angels Camp library. The library is open Tuesday & Fridays (10 am – 2pm) and Wednesdays & Thursdays from 10 am to 5 pm).

Note to assignment editor – if you cannot send a news photographer, we can provide a courtesy photo of the event for use after the event.