Supervisor Oliveira Setting the Record Straight

Arnold, CA…(June, 11, 2018)..Letter from Supervisor Oliveira, It seems as if I am having to clear up some bad information again. I am not involved in the Dennis Mills recall. I have no interest in it whatsoever. I also have no interest in the letter that was written in response to a letter Dennis Mills published. It states, I am pro regulation for cannabis. That could not be farther from the truth.

I stated clearly at the debates I am personally for a BAN. I had to put my personal feelings aside and do what I thought was best for Calaveras County. I never said I was for regulation. I did not vote for the Urgency Ordinance. I did not vote for the Ban. I have four times on the record asked the Supervisors to put it on the ballot for the voters to decide. The last time I made a motion to put it to the voters, Dennis Mills said “NO, that is too permanent.” I took an oath to protect the county and do what is right by the voters. This issue is one of the issues that I will stand firm on that the voters need to make the decision.

The reason It needs to be permanent is before us again. Constant turmoil in Calaveras County.

We will be in a constant state of turmoil in this county if we do not make it permanent. This county is divided on rather regulation or a ban is in place. We have had 9 different Supervisors in the last two years and it appears there could be even more turn over in November.

I will stand on the position that it goes to the voters rather they want to BAN or REGULATE.
It would only take three votes of the Supervisors to put it on the ballot and make the decision final.

I would like to thank my supporters for their votes on June 5th. I look forward to meeting with more constituents to help them understand my position and gaining the votes needed to win in November.

I will continue to do what is best for the voters of District 3 and Calaveras County.

Supervisor Michael Oliveira

One Response to "Supervisor Oliveira Setting the Record Straight"

  1. Becca Thatcher   June 12, 2018 7:53 am - at 7:53 am

    Supervisor Oliviera you’ve said to me that you thought the ban was ‘terribly unfair to all of the good people who followed the rules and paid their fees & taxes.’ This “personally for the ban” statement strikes me as pandering to capture Ed Langan’s votes. While I like you as a person, I find this to be a very weak approach. The people did vote for Measure C and the county needs that revenue for Public safety. There is room for compromise to get problem grows out of neighborhoods.
    I’m apalled that you and your fellow Supervisors appear to have never studied and retained the rules set forth in Measure C, the State Cannabis regulations, nor our proposed permanent ordinance. This is evident after viewing & reviewing hours of unnecessary board discussions. None of you arrive at these meetings prepared, with the exception of maybe Garamendi.
    One example, when discussing new dispensary regulations, Mills kept insisting for a full 45 minutes that these business people could not be trusted to honestly pay their taxes so he wanted audit power to comb over their books. After incessant droning on about how awful and untrustworthy anyone adjacent to cannabis is, Barbara Sullivan set Mills straight that audit authority is written into Measure C. You thanked her and laughingly said, “You just saved us hours of discussion.” If any of you knew the regulations, you could have shut ignorant wannabe know it all Mills down in two seconds.
    In another instance when discussing local control and track and trace several growers tried valiantly to explain state regulations and could not help four of you to understand what is a very straight forward and basic baked in solution to ensure the county gets their taxes and the state follows where the cannabis is sold. It was so appalling a young grower stood up and called a point of order, with the correct observation that none of you were qualified to make decisions about regulations, because you clearly hadn’t read the rules set forth by the state.
    When your vile ignorant friend, supporter and cheerleader Alice Montgomery complains constantly about how much money commercial cannabis costs the county, you all ignore the simple fact that the county has shown intense incompetence from the top down. You all squandered staff
    and public time with your long ignorant discussion, sent staff in multiple directions and have earned the litigation Mills and Clapp gleefully invited.
    Growers didn’t do this, it happened on your watch as Board Chair.
    The growers were given no room for error in their applications. One missing sheet of paper was grounds for denial. Yet you board members can’t even be bothered to read the legislation you were charged with understanding, implementing and enforcing.
    I hope D3 voters consider that when voting and choose Merita. She is better prepared and less willing to discriminate against family farmers to get votes. Way to throw growers under the bus Mike. I hope you enjoy your retirement, I really do. You earned it.