County of Calaveras Request for Proposals for Dogtown Road Bridge Replacement Project

San Andreas, CA…COUNTY OF CALAVERAS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS #18-1200-10-925. DOGTOWN ROAD BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR FINAL DESIGN, RIGHT OF WAY ENGINEERING, RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT. Notice is hereby given that Calaveras County is releasing a Request for Proposals for professional engineering services for the Dogtown Road Bridge Replacement Project. The Request for Proposals is available through within the section dedicated to this solicitation under the agency of the County of Calaveras.

Proposals shall be submitted no later than November 8, 2018 at 3:00 PM. Proposals received after the deadline above will not be considered and will be returned unopened.

See the Request for Proposals for complete proposal submittal instructions.
The contract provides the opportunity for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) participation. DBEs are encouraged to submit proposals for this work. The goal for DBE participation on this contract is 9%.
Any questions regarding this solicitation must be submitted through the Public Purchase website using the “Questions” feature.

Published: October 12, 17, 19, 24 & 26, 2018 VSN