Amador Makers to Host Events on April 14 & 15th in Amador City

Amador City, CA…As the saying goes, April showers bring May making stuff, cause everyone is still stuck inside making stuff. Or something like that. Two April Maker events from Amador Makers for you this month. We will be having a general group meeting on Sunday, April 14th at 1 pm at Made in Amador in Amador City. All the fun topics will be discussed, such fundraising, our entry at Science Saturday in May, and the various top-secret projects that you have to come to the meeting to know about.

We are also proud to announce the first Maker Monday! on Monday, April 15th. This is our open Maker session for all interested parties. It will run from 4 to 6 pm, also at Made in Amador in Amador City, but mostly in the back, with the workshop. Bring your current projects, stuff to show off, drones, drinking mixing robots, needlework, flamethrower, blacksmith anvil. We welcome all stuff that made, stuff that makes, or stuff in the process of being made.

Hope to see you there!