Attorney General Becerra Applauds Ruling Blocking Trump’s Funding for Border Wall

Sacramento, CA…California Attorney General Xavier Becerra today issued the following statement in response to a decision by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California to find unlawful and permanently block President Trump’s attempt to divert $2.5 billion in funding to begin building a border wall in El Centro, California and New Mexico. The decision grants in part California’s and New Mexico’s motion for partial summary judgment filed on June 12, 2019 and enters a partial judgment in favor of California and New Mexico. In a related proceeding, Sierra Club, et al. v. Donald Trump, et al., the District Court also granted in part Sierra Club’s motion for partial summary judgment and permanently enjoined the Trump Administration from proceeding with construction.

“These rulings critically stop President Trump’s illegal money grab to divert $2.5 billion of unauthorized funding for his pet project,” said Attorney General Becerra. “All President Trump has succeeded in building is a constitutional crisis, threatening immediate harm to our state. President Trump said he didn’t have to do this and that he would be unsuccessful in court. Today we proved that statement true.”

On President’s Day 2019, Attorney General Becerra led 16 states in a lawsuit challenging President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency and his attempt to divert funding appropriated by Congress for other purposes. In the complaint, the coalition alleges that the Trump Administration’s emergency declaration and diversion of funds is unconstitutional and otherwise unlawful. Less than a month later, four additional states joined the lawsuit, bringing the coalition to twenty attorneys general. In March, Congress, having already rejected President Trump’s pet project, passed a joint resolution overturning the National Emergency, which President Trump subsequently vetoed. Today’s ruling follows a preliminary injunction issued on May 24, which temporarily blocked President Trump’s ability to divert $1 billion in funding toward border walls in New Mexico and Arizona.

The order for California can be found here and the order for the Sierra Club can be found here.

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2 Responses to "Attorney General Becerra Applauds Ruling Blocking Trump’s Funding for Border Wall"

  1. Anonymous   July 1, 2019 4:38 pm - at 4:38 pm

    Becerra is an activist for Hispanics and member of LaRaza & MALDE. So he has NO problem spending the tax dollars of Californians for his own political ideology.


    The current migration at our border is costing taxpayers a Kings ransom ($17,000 per day ABC news.) Fleeing persecution? or fleeing for freebies? they sure don’t stay in Mexico when they reach “safety” or ask or offered political asylum in Mexico. Why? because Mexico will give them NOTHING. So they make the long journey to our border, our generous Democrats, and our tax dollars.

    We have Democrat / Socialist / Activists in the Northern Triangle of South America & Mexico; even as you read this instructing the populations the “benefits” & laws of coming to the USA and to make sure you bring your children and use the the magic words…..”credible fear.” Mexico recently arrested two socialist activists who were instrumental in the organizing of prior caravans,

    Then you have a Democrat House saying the crisis is “manufactured” as literally thousands attack our border daily? National Sovereignty is a myth to Democrats. The crisis is manufactured…by the Democrats themselves. Make no mistake about this, Democrats want this to happen and never stop.. They will with hold border security support allowing as many illegal aliens to enter the country as possible overwhelming our BP & ICE before assisting in border security (if ever.).


    To Democrats/Progressives/Socialists (whats the difference?) programs like Temporary Protective Status (TPS) or Deferred Action for Childhood arrivals (DACA) are permanent programs. There is nothing “temporary or deferred” about these programs to Democrats. These programs are designed to admit refugees (usually from the third world) then Democrats fight to keep them here permanently using the charge of racism, religion, guilt, against anyone opposed. Simple formula works great.

    Just a few examples of the more outrageous costs associated with illegal immigration, we will pass this burden on to our children & grand children as has been passed on to us.

    * City emergency services Taxpayer pay for every police, fire, paramedic service call for illegal aliens in their city. Taxpayers also pay for all hospital, emergency room treatments, ambulances, medications….everything. Hospital wait times for citizens are negatively impacted.

    *Cost of educating illegal aliens is staggering. From K-12 it costs taxpayers on average $122,000 for EACH illegal alien student. This does not include the millions spent on bilingual ED, instructors, special need children & day care. It is estimated nearly 100,000 illegal aliens graduate each year……you do the math. School class size are also negatively impacted by illegal aliens and our students suffer as a result.

    *Taxpayers in some states are funding “in state college tuition” discounts for illegal aliens. (AZ voted to terminate this taxpayer expense.) Cost to taxpayers over a billion dollars annually.

    *About one in five inmates in federal prison are foreign-born, & more than 90% of those are in the U.S illegally. This does not include local jails and state prisons. At roughly $24,000 per year expense per inmate.

    *$3Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate, process Illegal aliens in the criminal justice system.

    *$2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on is spent on food assistance programs such as SNAP, WIC, & taxpayer funded school lunches.

    *Mexico received 33 billion last year in remittance from our country. $120 billion total was sent out of the United States in total remittance last year.

    *Every child birth by illegal aliens in the U.S is paid for with tax dollars.In the US, the average cost to have a baby without complications during delivery, is $10,808, which can increase to $30,000 when factoring in care provided before and after pregnancy (July 9, 2018 google.)

    * Section 8 housing. Illegal aliens take full advantage of this program. Citizens & their families in poverty in many cases wait years behind non citizens for emergency housing.

  2. Steven R Smith   July 1, 2019 5:54 pm - at 5:54 pm

    Well I guess he’s gonna have to welcome some of these illegals into his house huh? He could make up for what Pelosi didn’t do and not be a hypocrite like she was LOL!