Household Contact in West Point Leads to Thirteenth Case of COVID-19 Confirmed in Calaveras County

San Andreas, CA…On Thursday, April 23, 2020, Calaveras Public Health confirmed an additional case of COVID-19 in Calaveras County. This case is an older adult female from West Point. The individual is a household contact linked to a case already known to Calaveras Public Health. The newly diagnosed resident is in isolation and has had no contact with persons outside of her home during the infectious period of illness.

COVID-19 can spread easily within households. “It is important for people to continue to do their part to help reduce their risk to COVID-19 and remind everyone in your home to do the same,” said Dean Kelaita, MD, Calaveras County Health Officer. “These actions are especially important for families with members at higher risk for severe illness.”

The best protection against COVID-19 is to:
 Wash your hands often with soap and water
 Avoid touching your eye, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
 Self-isolate if you are sick
 Maintain physical distancing (especially by staying at home)
 Wear a cloth face covering when out in public for essential activities

Public Health advises everyone that if you are ill with a fever or respiratory symptoms, even with mild symptoms, to self- isolate at home for 7 days and until you are fever and symptom free for 72 hours. If you have been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, or is presumed to be infected with COVID-19, you should quarantine at home for 14 days from your last contact with that individual.

Those at higher risk of serious illness to COVID-19 should contact their doctor as soon as they become sick. Based on what we know now, those at high risk for severe illness from COVID-19 are:
 People 65 years and older
 People who live in nursing home or a long-term care facility
 People of all ages with underlying medical conditions, especially of not well controlled, including:
o Chronic disease or moderate to severe asthma
o Serious heart conditions
o Compromised immune systems
 Many conditions can cause a person to be immunocompromised, including cancer treatment, smoking, bone marrow or organ transplantation, immune deficiencies, poorly controlled HIV or AIDS, prolonged use of immune weakening medications.
 Severe obesity (body mass index or BMI of 40 or higher)
 Diabetes
 Chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis
 Liver disease

The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases for Calaveras County is now thirteen. Of those confirmed cases, nine cases have since recovered. To date, there have been no reported deaths to COVID-19.
Confirmed COVID-19 numbers in Calaveras County by Age and Gender:
Age Gender 0-17 1 Female 8
5 50-64 1 Unreported 0
Unreported 0
Test Results Received 340
9 Deaths 0

COVID-19 information and resources can be found on the Calaveras Public Health website at The COVID-19 Community Service Call Center is available Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:00pm at (209) 754-2896.