Weekly Address: It’s Time to Fill the Vacancy on the Supreme Court

Weekly Address: It’s Time to Fill the Vacancy on the Supreme Court

Washington, DC…Remarks of Vice President Joe Biden and Retired Federal Judge Timothy Lewis as Prepared for Delivery. THE VICE PRESIDENT: Hi, folks. Joe Biden here and I’m sitting with Tim Lewis, a retired federal judge who was nominated to the bench by a Republican President and confirmed by a Democratic Senate—within four weeks of a […]

Well….Ladies & Gentlemen We Are All Knotted Up. Trump 43.7 & Clinton 43.7

Well….Ladies & Gentlemen We Are All Knotted Up.  Trump 43.7 & Clinton 43.7

Washington, DC…Well the race for the White House is officially underway. The post convention general election battle has begun. There was a Trump bounce after the Republican Convention that had him up a few points in many polls. Now post Democratic convention Hillary has brought the race back even. According to the Real Clear Politics […]

RIM Fire Paved Roads Project Begins On Stanislaus National Forest

RIM Fire Paved Roads Project Begins On Stanislaus National Forest

Sonora, CA…Operations associated with post-Rim Fire operations necessitate the repair of a section of road on the Mi-Wok RD, Stanislaus National Forest (STF) beginning mid-August. Cottonwood Road (1N04) pavement repair is scheduled to begin approximately August 15 and necessitates an approximate 60 day partial closure, scheduled from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. […]

Real Gross Domestic Product Rate Revised Down To 1.2%

Real Gross Domestic Product Rate Revised Down To 1.2%

Washington, DC…Real gross domestic product increased at an annual rate of 1.2 percent in the second quarter of 2016 (table 1), according to the “advance” estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the first quarter, real GDP increased 0.8 percent (revised). The Bureau emphasized that the second-quarter advance estimate released today is based […]

Calaveras Sheriff’s Department Promotes Four & Hires Eight! Photos & Full Ceremony Video

Calaveras Sheriff’s Department Promotes Four &  Hires Eight!  Photos & Full Ceremony Video

San Andreas, CA…Yesterday morning the meeting room at the Sheriff’s Dept headquarters was filled to overflowing with friends family and well wishers as the Calaveras Sheriff’s Department held a swearing in ceremony for eight new hires and promoted four. The new hires are Corrections Officer Katrina Large, Corrections Officer Jason Crawford, Dispatcher Samantha King, Business […]

Kearney Recall Election To Move Forward & Filing Period Starts Today

Kearney Recall Election To Move Forward & Filing Period Starts Today

San Andreas, CA…The Calaveras County Clerk Recorder and Registrar of Voters has issued an order to hold the recall election for the purpose of determining whether County Supervisor District 5, Steven Kearney is to be recalled and to fill the vacancy if the member is recalled; pursuant to Elections Code Section 11241 which states: “If […]

Calaveras Board of Supervisor Back In Action Today

Calaveras Board of Supervisor Back In Action Today

San Andreas, CA…The Calaveras County Board of Supervisors is back in action starting at 9am today. Some of the agenda items are: Receive a Report from the Board Chair, Department Heads, CalOES and FEMA Update on Butte Fire Recovery. Approve Changes to Position Control List for positions related to the Medical Cannabis Cultivation Registration Program. […]

Calaveras County Public Health Issues Heat Advisory To Residents

Calaveras County Public Health Issues Heat Advisory To Residents

San Andreas, CA…Calaveras County Public Health Services has issued a heat advisory for the County. We urge the public to act now to prevent heat-related illness. Temperatures of 100 degrees or more are expected over the next several days. Dr. Kelaita, County Health Officer, stated, “Taking action now can prevent the possibility of heat-related illness. […]

CCWD Launches New Payment System

CCWD Launches New Payment System

San Andreas, CA…Paying CCWD water and sewer bills just got a lot easier with the launch of a new payment processing system in late June. This new system – called Paymentus – was put into place as a direct result of CCWD Customer Service representatives listening to customer feedback. Some of the most common requests […]

Tree Mortality Update From Supervisor Michael Oliveira

Tree Mortality Update From Supervisor Michael Oliveira

Sacramento, CA…I have just returned from the most recent Governor’s Tree Mortality Committee meeting in Sacramento and wanted to take a moment to update you with new developments and information. The most recent Ariel Survey of tree mortality was performed on 5/19/16 and is reporting that there are approximately 693,000 dead trees in Calaveras County, […]

Heretofore Classified 9/11 Documents Released

Heretofore Classified 9/11 Documents Released

Washington, DC….The much discussed “28 pages” that have been released cover the speculation that the Saudi Government knew more about the 9/11 attacks than was publicly known. In an odd local angle this brings the tragic Marshall case back up all over again. We spoke with the editor (he reached out to us) of Phillip […]

Fires Caused By Negligence In Marijuana Gardens! $1,408,664 In Suppression Costs

Fires Caused By Negligence In Marijuana Gardens!  $1,408,664 In Suppression Costs

San Andreas, CA…Fire investigators from the CAL FIRE Tuolumne – Calaveras Unit have determined that negligent use of equipment and improperly installed electrical systems on marijuana cultivation sites have caused several fires in the past few weeks. The Mountain Ranch Road Fire started on June 14, 2016, was contained to a large illegal debris pile, […]

President Obama on the Attack in Nice, France

President Obama on the Attack in Nice, France

Washington, DC…On behalf of the American people, I condemn in the strongest terms what appears to be a horrific terrorist attack in Nice, France, which killed and wounded dozens of innocent civilians. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and other loved ones of those killed, and we wish a full recovery for the […]

The Great Calaveras County Cannabis Debate Is Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Great Calaveras County Cannabis Debate Is Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Murphys, CA…Join us for an Lively Conversation Regarding two November Ballot Measures: Commercial Cannabis Cultivation in Calaveras County. Legalization of Marijuana in California. Proponent for the Calaveras County Measure to Regulate Cannabis Cultivation: Merita Callaway – Calaveras County Supervisor – 1993/2014. Arguing for a County Measure to Ban Commercial Cannabis Cultivation: Bill McManus – Calaveras […]

Weekly Address: Standing Together to Stop the Violence

Weekly Address: Standing Together to Stop the Violence

Washington, DC…Although I didn’t know the five police officers who were killed, or the seven who were wounded in Dallas this week – I knew them. They were the folks I grew up with: The boy with the most courage and the most compassion; the man with a brave heart and a generous soul, whose […]

President Obama on Deadly Attacks on Law Enforcement in Dallas, Texas

President Obama on Deadly Attacks on Law Enforcement in Dallas, Texas

Warsaw, Poland…With your understanding, I want to begin with a few words about the situation back in the United States, specifically the situation in Dallas, Texas. My team has been keeping me updated throughout the morning of the evening in Dallas. I spoke this morning with Mayor Rawlings of Dallas to convey the deepest condolences […]

Supervisor Run Off Candidates Speak

Supervisor Run Off Candidates Speak

San Andreas, CA…District One supervisor candidates for the run off election in November were guests on local Public Access Television (PATV) Taxpayer Alert! The two 30 minute programs feature Supervisor Cliff Edson and former Supervisor Gary Tofanelli. The primary election votes were very close. Edson previously won the seat from Tofanelli in a 2012 election. […]

California’s Road Charge Pilot Program Launches

California’s Road Charge Pilot Program Launches

Sacramento, CA…Caltrans has officially launched California’s new pay-by-mile Road Charge Pilot Program, where selected volunteer participants will help the state gain insight into an innovative way to finance California’s transportation infrastructure. This pilot will be an opportunity to study road charge alternatives to the gas tax and will provide the Legislature with the data needed […]

FBI Recommends No Charges Following Clinton E-Mail Investigation

FBI Recommends No Charges Following Clinton E-Mail Investigation

Washington, DC…Good morning. I’m here to give you an update on the FBI’s investigation of Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail system during her time as Secretary of State. After a tremendous amount of work over the last year, the FBI is completing its investigation and referring the case to the Department of Justice […]

DUI Checkpoint Going On Now In San Andreas

DUI Checkpoint Going On Now In San Andreas

San Andreas, CA…On Monday July 4, 2016, the California Highway Patrol San Andreas office will be conducting a Sobriety/Driver License Checkpoint. The purpose of the checkpoint is to detect and deter DUI/unlicensed drivers. The checkpoint will be staffed by officers of the California Highway Patrol that are trained in the detection of alcohol and/or drug […]

Governor Brown Signs Sweeping Gun Control Bills & Other Legislation Into Law

Governor Brown Signs Sweeping Gun Control Bills & Other Legislation Into Law

Sacramento, CA…Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced that he has signed the following bills: – AB 1135 by Assemblymember Marc B. Levine (D-Marin County) – Firearms: assault weapons. – AB 1511 by Assemblymember Miguel Santiago (D-Los Angeles) – Firearms: lending. A signing message can be found here. – AB 1568 by Assemblymember Rob Bonta […]

July 4, 1776 The Unanimous Declaration Of Independence Of The Thirteen United States of America

July 4, 1776 The Unanimous Declaration Of Independence Of The Thirteen United States of America

Philadelphia, PA…When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to […]

U.S. Forest Service Enacts Temporary Fire Restrictions In High Hazard Areas

U.S. Forest Service Enacts Temporary Fire Restrictions In High Hazard Areas

Sonora, Calif. June 30, 2016…Due to high fire danger, temporary fire restrictions are in effect in High Hazard Areas on the Stanislaus National Forest (STF) July 1 through the end of the official 2016 fire season. Forest Order 16-2016-3 prohibits campfires, briquette barbecues and smoking outside developed campgrounds, as well as welding and blasting activities […]

Leaders’ Statement on a North American Climate, Clean Energy, and Environment Partnership

Leaders’ Statement on a North American Climate, Clean Energy, and Environment Partnership

Ottawa, Canada….Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, President Barack Obama, and President Enrique Peña Nieto share a common commitment to a competitive, low-carbon and sustainable North American economy and society. The Paris Agreement was a turning point for our planet, representing unprecedented accord on the urgent need to take action to combat climate change through innovation and […]