Winton-Schaad Vegetation Management Prescribed Burn

West Point, CA…The week of May 2, 2016 CALFIRE, in cooperation with Sierra Pacific Industries, will conduct a prescribed burn to reduce forest fuels along Winton Road just east of the community of West Point near Lily Valley Circle. This burn project is part of the Winton- Schaads Vegetation Management Plan. The purpose of the prescribed burn is to create a shaded fuel break between the community of West Point and the timber lands of Sierra Pacific Industries.


The burn project next week will last 1-3 days and cover 20 to 60 acres, depending on weather conditions.
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One Response to "Winton-Schaad Vegetation Management Prescribed Burn"

  1. Cindy   April 30, 2016 7:49 am - at 7:49 am

    I really hope they take care and don’t let this burn get away from them and out of control like so many “controlled burns” have in the past.