Friendly Intact Male Tomcatting Around in Murphys…Is He Yours?

Murphys, CA…Very friendly intact (not neutered) male cat showed up at our place today. Short hair gray white. Very thin, walked right up to me with my little grands around. Does he belong to you or do u know owner? Anrey ct /Pennsylvania Gulch/Feeney Park Area, Murphys. Please help me find his owner. Amy 728-2534

Thank you,
Amy Monsen

One Response to "Friendly Intact Male Tomcatting Around in Murphys…Is He Yours?"

  1. Amy Monsen   October 8, 2019 7:01 pm - at 7:01 pm

    Turns out he IS neutered. My Bad!!! His owner has been found. Thanks PT!