Governor Brown, Senate President pro Tempore and Assembly Speaker Announce New Taxes To Pay For Road Repairs and Transportation Investments

Governor Brown, Senate President pro Tempore and Assembly Speaker Announce New Taxes To Pay For Road Repairs and Transportation Investments

Sacramento, CA…Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr., Senate President pro Tempore Kevin de León and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon today joined labor, business and local leaders to announce a landmark transportation investment to fix our roads, freeways and bridges in communities across California and put more dollars toward transit and safety. The $5 billion-a-year program will […]

Tentative Parcel Map For West Point Dollar General

Tentative Parcel Map For West Point Dollar General

Calaveras County, CA…ad Agency: Calaveras County Planning Department, 891 Mountain Ranch Rd., San Andreas, CA 95249 2016-002 Tentative Parcel Map for West Point Dollar General: The applicant is requesting approval of a Tentative Parcel Map to divide a 4.42-acre parcel into two (2) separate legal parcels. The vacant property has a General Plan land use […]

President Trump Signs an Energy Independence Executive Order

President Trump Signs an Energy Independence Executive Order

Washington, DC…“I am going to lift the restrictions on American energy, and allow this wealth to pour into our communities.” – Donald J. Trump MUCH NEEDED REFORM: The past Administration burdened Americans with costly regulations that harmed American jobs and energy production. The previous Administration’s Clean Power Plan could cost up to $39 billion a […]

New California Law Puts Charge In Lead-Acid Battery Sales

New California Law Puts Charge In Lead-Acid Battery Sales

Sacramento,CA…Beginning April 1, 2017, sales of lead-acid batteries will be subject to two $1 fees. Manufacturers will pay a $1 fee for every lead-acid battery sold to a retailer, wholesaler, distributor, or other person for retail sale in California. Consumers will pay a $1 fee on each purchase of a replacement lead-acid battery. As signed […]

Week Four Op-Ed By Former Calaveras County Supervisor Tom Tryon On The “War On Drugs”

Week Four Op-Ed By Former Calaveras County Supervisor Tom Tryon On The “War On Drugs”

Angels Camp, CA…Letter written to the Editor in the summer of 1985: I would like to comment on President Bush’s latest proposals for escalating the so called “War on Drugs”. One must assume this effort has been very successful to justify such an escalation! As noted in earlier articles, the effort is not a war […]

Calaveras County Sheriff Rick DiBasilio On Marijuana & Calaveras Public Safety

Calaveras County Sheriff Rick DiBasilio On Marijuana & Calaveras Public Safety

San Andreas, CA…I have been repeatedly asked about Marijuana and the safety of Calaveras citizens. Last year the voters of California chose to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana and to allow the small scale cultivation of marijuana. In addition, marijuana cultivation has now become a land use issue based upon decisions by the […]

U.S. Strike Kills High-Profile Terrorist Leader

U.S. Strike Kills High-Profile Terrorist Leader

Washington, DC…The U.S. Department of Defense has confirmed that a U.S. counter-terrorism airstrike conducted March 19 in Paktika Province, Afghanistan, resulted in the death of Qari Yasin, a well-known al Qaida terrorist leader responsible for the deaths of dozens of innocent victims, including two American service members. Yasin, a senior terrorist figure from Balochistan, Pakistan, […]

Head of Largest Federal Employee Union Applauds Defeat of American Health Care Act

Head of Largest Federal Employee Union Applauds Defeat of American Health Care Act

Washington, DC…In response to the withdrawal of the American Health Care Act after it became clear there were not enough votes to pass, American Federation of Government Employees National President J. David Cox Sr. issued the following statement: “Today is a win for working families in this country. The American Health Care Act was on […]

President Trump On Health Care Bill Falling Short

President Trump On Health Care Bill Falling Short

Washington, DC…Thank you very much. We were very close, and it was a very, very tight margin. We had no Democrat support. We had no votes from the Democrats. They weren’t going to give us a single vote, so it’s a very difficult thing to do. I’ve been saying for the last year and a […]

Board Of Supervisors Regular Meeting & Continuing Local State Of Emergency

Board Of Supervisors Regular Meeting & Continuing Local State Of Emergency

San Andreas, CA…The Calaveras County Board Of Supervisors is holding a regular meeting on Tuesday, March 28th at 8:00 p.m. On the agenda is the adoption of a resolution continuing a local state of emergency for the removal of hazardous trees caused by the Butte Fire with the imminent threat of severe winter weather. The […]

Calaveras County Public Notice Ordinance Summary

Calaveras County Public Notice Ordinance Summary

Calaveras County, CA…On March 14, 2017, the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to introduce and waive reading of an ordinance amending County Code Chapter 13.12 (Sewage Disposal) by adding Section 13.12.200 – Annual Reporting and Section 13.12.210 – Permanent Records. The ordinance amendment will be agendized for adoption by the Board of Supervisors […]

Public Notice For Board Membership Applications

Public Notice For Board Membership Applications

Calaveras County, CA…NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, due to unscheduled vacancies and expiration of terms, the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors encourages interested and qualified persons to apply for membership to the following County boards, committees or commissions: Hardwood Advisory Committee One vacancy for a term expiring 12/31/18 – General Public Representative The Committee shall […]

Senator Gaines Responds To Governor Circumventing Gann Limit

Senator Gaines Responds To Governor Circumventing Gann Limit

Sacramento, CA…Senator Ted Gaines (R-El Dorado) today issued the following statement regarding Governor Brown’s attempt to side-step the Gann Limit, which restricts California’s government spending to the 1978-79 level and only allows it to grow adjusted for inflation and population. Under the Gann Limit, state revenues above the voter-approved limit are required to be refunded […]

Deadline For Winter Storm Damage Requests For Public Assistance Is April 15th

Deadline For Winter Storm Damage Requests For Public Assistance Is April 15th

Sacramento, CA… State agencies, local and tribal governments, as well as certain private nonprofit organizations, which sustained damage during severe winter storms from Jan. 18 to Jan. 23, have until April 15, 2017, to submit Requests for Public Assistance (RPA). Submitting an RPA to the state is the first step in applying for funding under […]

Secretary of State, Rex W. Tillerson On the Attack in London

Secretary of State, Rex W. Tillerson On the Attack in London

Washington, DC…On behalf of the United States, I express my condolences to the victims and their families. The American people send their thoughts and prayers to the people of the United Kingdom. We condemn these horrific acts of violence, and whether they were carried out by troubled individuals or by terrorists, the victims know no […]

President Donald J. Trump Proclaims March 21, 2017, as National Agriculture Day

President Donald J. Trump Proclaims March 21, 2017, as National Agriculture Day

Washington, DC…America’s farmers and ranchers help feed the world, fuel our Nation’s economy, and lead global markets in output and productivity. The efficiency of American agriculture has provided this country with abundance our ancestors could not have imagined. The agriculture sector of the United States is endlessly innovative. It continuously builds on its centuries of […]

President Trump’s Weekly Address On Andrew Jackson & Job Creation

President Trump’s Weekly Address On Andrew Jackson & Job Creation

Washington, DC…My fellow Americans, This week, I traveled to Nashville, Tennessee to lay a wreath at the grave of Andrew Jackson, on the 250th anniversary of his birth. Jackson was an American hero. First, as the brilliant general whose crushing defeat of the British at New Orleans saved our independence in the War of 1812. […]

Fed Pushes Rate Up Another Quarter Point As Economy Strengthens

Fed Pushes Rate Up Another Quarter Point As Economy Strengthens

Washington, DC…Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in February indicates that the labor market has continued to strengthen and that economic activity has continued to expand at a moderate pace. Job gains remained solid and the unemployment rate was little changed in recent months. Household spending has continued to rise moderately while […]

U.S. Charges Russian FSB Officers and Their Criminal Conspirators for Hacking Yahoo and Millions of Email Accounts

U.S. Charges Russian FSB Officers and Their Criminal Conspirators for Hacking Yahoo and Millions of Email Accounts

Washington, DC…A grand jury in the Northern District of California has indicted four defendants, including two officers of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), for computer hacking, economic espionage and other criminal offenses in connection with a conspiracy, beginning in January 2014, to access Yahoo’s network and the contents of webmail accounts. The defendants are […]

CBO Estimates Proposed Health Care Act Would Reduce Deficits By $337 Billion

CBO Estimates Proposed Health Care Act Would Reduce Deficits By $337 Billion

Washington, DC…The Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2017 directed the House Committees on Ways and Means and Energy and Commerce to develop legislation to reduce the deficit. The Congressional Budget Office and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) have produced an estimate of the budgetary effects of the American […]

Week Two Op-Ed By Former Calaveras County Supervisor Tom Tryon On The “War On Drugs”

Week Two Op-Ed By Former Calaveras County Supervisor Tom Tryon On The “War On Drugs”

Angels Camp, CA….Letter written by Tom Tryon to the Citizens of Calaveras County in the summer of 1985: In recent weeks I have been asked by many of my constituents to respond to statements I have made as a County Supervisor regarding the legalization of illicit drugs. Let me state emphatically I am not in […]

President Trump’s Weekly Address On Women’s History Month & Healthcare

President Trump’s Weekly Address On Women’s History Month & Healthcare

Washington, DC…My fellow Americans, In March, we celebrate Women’s History Month, honoring the countless contributions that women leaders, scientists, and entrepreneurs have made throughout American history. We are a greater, stronger, and more just Nation today because of women like Clara Barton, Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubman, and so many others. We honor them and […]

Notice Of Public Hearing For Extension Of Time For Approved Conditional Use Permit

Notice Of Public Hearing For Extension Of Time For Approved Conditional Use Permit

Calaveras County, CA…Lead Agency: Calaveras County Planning Department, 891 Mountain Ranch Rd., San Andreas, CA 95249 2016-1135 Extension of Time for approved Conditional Use Permit 2012-042 for the Cottage Springs Resort, Dick & Jeanette Guthrie: The applicants are requesting an extension of time to extend the expiration date of approved conditional use permit 2012-042. On […]