Position Statement New Asphalt Plant at New Hogan Quarry ~ Letter To Editor By CCRP

Position Statement New Asphalt Plant at New Hogan Quarry ~ Letter To Editor By CCRP

Valley Springs, CA…Ford Construction Company the operators of the New Hogan Rock Quarry for the past 20+ years has requested that the Calaveras Planning Department review the possibility of placing a Hot Asphalt Mixing Plant at their existing quarry location. Peter Maurer, Calaveras County’s Planing Director reviewed the request and determined that the existing M2 […]

Six Red Cross Tips to Stay Safe When Temperatures Soar

Six Red Cross Tips to Stay Safe  When Temperatures Soar

Sacramento, CA…Dangerously hot weather is predicted for the Gold Country Region, and the American Red Cross wants to remind everyone of the steps they should take to stay safe when the temperatures rise.  “High temperatures, humidity and hot, indoor environments can quickly cause heat-related emergencies,” said Lilly Wyatt, Spokesperson for the Red Cross Gold Country […]

Berryhill – Deaver Vineyards 8th Senate District Small Business of the Year

Berryhill – Deaver Vineyards 8th Senate District Small Business of the Year

Sacramento, CA…Senator Tom Berryhill (R-Twain Harte) honors Deaver Vineyards, of Plymouth, CA, as the 2015 Small Business of the Year. The California Small Business Association today also recognized Ken Deaver, the winery owner, at its annual Small Business luncheon in Sacramento. Deaver Vineyards was selected by Senator Berryhill for its longstanding support of the community, […]

Joint Board of Supervisors/Planning Commission Study Session on General Plan Tuesday, June 30, 2015, 6:00 p.m. San Andreas Town Hall

Joint Board of Supervisors/Planning Commission Study Session on General Plan Tuesday, June 30, 2015, 6:00 p.m. San Andreas Town Hall

San Andreas, CA…The Calaveras County Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission will hold a study session on the Draft General Plan on Tuesday, June 10th at 6:00 p.m. at the San Andreas Town Hall. The study session will focus on issues raised in the public comments on the draft General Plan that was released in […]

Woman To Be On The Newly Redesigned Ten Dollar Note

Woman To Be On The Newly Redesigned Ten Dollar Note

Washington, DC…Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew today announced that a newly redesigned $10 note will feature a woman. In exercising his responsibility to select currency features and design, Treasury Secretary Lew will select a notable woman – with a focus on celebrating a champion for our inclusive democracy. In keeping with that theme, the U.S. […]

Mokelumne Wild & Scenic River Study Bill Passes Assembly

Mokelumne Wild & Scenic River Study Bill Passes Assembly

Sacramento, CA…River advocates are pleased that the California State Assembly passed legislation on Monday, June 1, calling for a study of Mokelumne River as a state-protected Wild & Scenic River. AB 142, introduced by Assemblyman Frank Bigelow (R-O’Neals), was approved by the Assembly with a resoundingly bipartisan 71-3 vote. The bill will provide interim protection […]

Funding 101: Local Funding Options for Transportation Infrastructure

Funding 101: Local Funding Options for Transportation Infrastructure

Angels Camp, CA…Exploring local funding option for transportation: Information on local funding options, proposed legislation, & impact to local jurisdictions. Review of City & County infrastructure needs, funding availability, & priorities. Interactive priority setting- How will you prioritize? Visit www.calacog.org for more information. Registration is open and space is limited for the Funding 101 workshop […]

Angels Camp Fire Department On Structure Fire in the 500 Block of Sultana Lane

Angels Camp Fire Department On Structure Fire in the 500 Block of Sultana Lane

Angels Camp, CA…On June 16, 2015 at approximately 11:55 AM units from the Angels Camp Fire Department, Altaville Melones Fire Protection District, San Andreas Fire Protection District, and CalFire were dispatched to a reported structure fire in the 500 block of Sultana Lane. Units arrived on scene to find a single family residence that was […]

Laurie Andrade and Leo Quintana To Be Honored As Seniors Of The Year At Today’s BOS Meeting

Laurie Andrade and Leo Quintana To Be Honored As Seniors Of The Year At Today’s BOS Meeting

San Andreas, CA…The Calaveras County Board of Supervisors will be back in action today. The meeting srarts at 9am in the Board Chambers. Topping the Agenda is Honoring Seniors, Awarding George Reed Contract for 12/26 Intersection, Presentation of Recommended 2015/16 Budget and much more. The full agenda is enclosed…   Call to Order Roll Call […]

Calaveras County Republicans To Meet Wednesday

Calaveras County Republicans To Meet Wednesday

Angels Camp, CA…General Meeting – Calaveras County Republican Party – Wednesday, June 10, 2015 from 6:00pm – 8:30pm at the Fireside Room in Greenhorn Creek. 711 McCauley Ranch Road, Angels Camp, CA. Guest Speakers: Rebecca Callen — Calaveras County Auditor/Controller, Leslie Davis — Calaveras County Assessor. Agenda Items to Include: * Calaveras Conserves update – […]

Payroll Employment Rises By 280,000 In May

Payroll Employment Rises By 280,000 In May

Washington, DC…Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 280,000 in May, and the unemployment rate was essentially unchanged at 5.5 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Job gains occurred in professional and business services, leisure and hospitality, and health care. Mining employment continued to decline. Household Survey Data In May, both the unemployment […]

Terrorism Gone Viral: Counterterrorism Executive Briefs Congress on Latest Threats

Terrorism Gone Viral: Counterterrorism Executive Briefs Congress on Latest Threats

Washington, DC…Good morning Chairman McCaul, Ranking Member Thompson, and members of the committee. Thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today to discuss the widespread reach of terrorists’ influence, which transcends geographic boundaries like never before. As technology advances so, too, does terrorists’ use of technology to communicate—both to inspire and recruit. The […]

Angels Camp City Council Back In Action Tonight

Angels Camp City Council Back In Action Tonight

Angels Camp, CA…The Angels Camp City Council will be back in action tonight at the firehouse. The big ticket item on the agenda is a public hearing on expedited & streamlined permitting processes for rooftop solar systems… CITY OF ANGELS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, June 2, 2015 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Mayor Wes Kulm ANGELS FIRE HOUSE Vice […]

IRS Statement on the “Get Transcript” Incident That Exposted 100,000 Taxpayers

IRS Statement on the “Get Transcript” Incident That Exposted 100,000 Taxpayers

Washington, DC…The IRS announced today that criminals used taxpayer-specific data acquired from non-IRS sources to gain unauthorized access to information on approximately 100,000 tax accounts through IRS’ “Get Transcript” application. This data included Social Security information, date of birth and street address. These third parties gained sufficient information from an outside source before trying to […]

State Department Update Including Clinton Email Update

State Department Update Including Clinton Email Update

Washington, DC…Below is the press briefing from today which included many questions about the Clinton email issue. The full text is enclosed… 2:15 p.m. EDT MS HARF: Good afternoon. Welcome to the daily briefing. QUESTION: Thank you. Happy — MS HARF: You’re welcome. QUESTION: — Memorial Day to you. MS HARF: Happy Memorial Day weekend. […]

Avery Middle School Honored By State As Gold Ribbon School

Avery Middle School Honored By State As Gold Ribbon School

Sacramento, CA…State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson today announced that 193 middle schools and 180 high schools have been honored under the state’s new Gold Ribbon Schools Awards Program, which is temporarily taking the place of the California Distinguished Schools Program. “These schools are academically successful, vibrant, and innovative centers of learning and teaching,” […]

Presidential Weekly Address: Creating Opportunity for All

Presidential Weekly Address: Creating Opportunity for All

Washington, DC…Hi, everybody. Everything we’ve done over the past six years has been in pursuit of one overarching goal: creating opportunity for all. What we’ve long understood, though, is that some communities have consistently had the odds stacked against them. That’s true of rural communities with chronic poverty. That’s true of some manufacturing communities that […]

Frog Fun at the Capitol

Frog Fun at the Capitol

Sacramento, CA…Senator Tom Berryhill (R-Twain Harte) is pleased to announce the winners of the 41st annual Capitol Frog Jump. Elected officials, legislative staffers, media and members of the public jockeyed their frogs in hopes of winning the coveted trophies. There are three winning categories: longest, shortest and media jump. There were no flies in the […]

US Labor Secretary Perez on December employment numbers

US Labor Secretary Perez on December employment numbers

Washington, DC…U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez issued the following statement about the December 2014 Employment Situation report released today: “The U.S. economy closed out the year on a continued hot streak – 252,000 new jobs, with the unemployment rate falling to 5.6 percent. December was the 58th consecutive month of private sector job […]

President Obama On Cuba Policy Changes

President Obama On Cuba Policy Changes

Washington, DC…Good afternoon.  Today, the United States of America is changing its relationship with the people of Cuba.  In the most significant changes in our policy in more than fifty years, we will end an outdated approach that, for decades, has failed to advance our interests, and instead we will begin to normalize relations between […]

G20 Wraps Up With Agreements On Minimizing Tax Avoidence, Climate & Energy Policy, Infrastructure, & Economy Goals. ~By John Hamilton

G20 Wraps Up With Agreements On Minimizing Tax Avoidence, Climate & Energy Policy, Infrastructure, & Economy Goals. ~By John Hamilton

Brisbane, AU…The G20 meetings have wrapped up and the world leaders representing about 85% of the world’s economic output are jetting home. Since official communication has to be vetted by many parties the releases on various topics will always be quite bland from summits such as this. Behind the wording of the beige pronouncements was […]